Thursday, April 22, 2010

Easter Eggs.

Christopher had so much fun dying Easter eggs this year and I was so glad that I was here to do it with him (I was out out town last year). He really enjoyed doing the different colors and pulling the eggs out to see how dark or light the color was. He also had a lot of fun putting his Easter basket out and leaving some carrots and pastries for the Easter Bunny :) Easter pictures to follow soon...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mather Air Force Base

One weekend last month we wanted to go somewhere different, so we met a few friends out at Mather Air Force Base to try and fly kites and try out the neat playground. The coolest thing was that as we were leaving we saw some jets taking off so we went to see what was going on and we discovered that they were only doing practice runs or something, because they kept taking off and coming back down. It was a pretty cool thing for Christopher to get to see!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Here's a little update of Christopher being, well... Christopher.